Products – vanshbiocare

Discover your botanical extracts.

A typical herbal extraction process involves isolating the beneficial compounds from various parts of plants like bark, stems, leaves, roots, seeds, and fruits. This is done using carefully developed methods and specific solvents in stainless steel vessels heated with steam. Our Herbal Extracts Company is committed to sustainability in all aspects of our operations. From sourcing high-quality herbs from sustainable farmers to utilizing environmentally friendly extraction methods, we strive to prioritize the health of our planet while providing the highest quality herbal extracts to our customers.

Discover your botanical extracts.

A typical herbal extraction process involves isolating the beneficial compounds from various parts of plants like bark, stems, leaves, roots, seeds, and fruits. This is done using carefully developed methods and specific solvents in stainless steel vessels heated with steam. Our Herbal Extracts Company is committed to sustainability in all aspects of our operations. From sourcing high-quality herbs from sustainable farmers to utilizing environmentally friendly extraction methods, we strive to prioritize the health of our planet while providing the highest quality herbal extracts to our customers.

Sourcing Responsibly

We work closely with local farmers and growers who share our commitment to sustainable practices. By supporting these small-scale producers, we are able to ensure the quality and traceability of our ingredients while also promoting the economic well-being of the communities where our herbs are grown.

Sourcing Responsibly

We work closely with local farmers and growers who share our commitment to sustainable practices. By supporting these small-scale producers, we are able to ensure the quality and traceability of our ingredients while also promoting the economic well-being of the communities where our herbs are grown.

Environmentally Friendly Extraction Methods

We utilize advanced extraction techniques that are both effective and environmentally friendly. Our extraction process minimizes waste and energy consumption, providing a more sustainable way to create our herbal extracts without compromising on quality.

Environmentally Friendly Extraction Methods

We utilize advanced extraction techniques that are both effective and environmentally friendly. Our extraction process minimizes waste and energy consumption, providing a more sustainable way to create our herbal extracts without compromising on quality.

Commitment to Sustainability

At our Herbal Extracts Company, sustainability is at the core of everything we do. We believe that by prioritizing the health of our planet, we can also provide products that promote the health and well-being of our customers. Join us in our commitment to sustainability and experience the difference of our high-quality, eco-conscious herbal extracts.

Commitment to Sustainability

At our Herbal Extracts Company, sustainability is at the core of everything we do. We believe that by prioritizing the health of our planet, we can also provide products that promote the health and well-being of our customers. Join us in our commitment to sustainability and experience the difference of our high-quality, eco-conscious herbal extracts.

1 Acacia catechu Bark Khadira Tannins > 50%/Catechins > 20%
2 Adhatoda vasica Leaves Vasaaka Alkaloids >1.0% ( Vasacin)
3 Aegle marmelos Leaf/Fruit Bael Tannins > 7.5% -10% / Mucilage 10-15%
4 Allium sativum Pod Garlic Alliin > 0.5% -2.5%
5 Aloe vera Leaf Ghritkumarika / Aloe Mucilage / Aloin
6 Andrographis panicultata Whole plant Kaalmegha Andrographolides > 10%, Bitter >10%
7 Asparagus adscendens Root Safed musli Saponins > 20% – 40%
8 Asparagus racemosus Root Shataavari Saponins > 15%- 30%
9 Azadirachta indica Leaf Neem Bitters >2.0% – 2.5%
10 Bacopa monnieri Whole Plant Nir Brahmi Bacosides > 15% -50%
11 Berberis aristata Root Daaru haridraa Berberine > 8%
12 Boerhavia diffusa Root Punarnavaa Alkaoids > 0.01% -0.08%
13 Boswellia serrata Gum Shallaki Boswellic Acid > 60-85%
14 Carica papaya Leaf Papaya Glycosides > 20% -40%
15 Cassia augustifolia Leaf Senna Sennosides > 10 – 20%
16 Centella asiatica Whole plant Manduukaparni Asiaticosides> 10%, Saponins 10-25%
17 Cissus quadrangula Stem Hadjod Ketosterons > 5%
18 Coleus forskohlii Root Coleus Forskolin > 2.5% – 40% by HPLC
19 Commiphora mukul Gum Guggul Guggul sterones >1- 2.5%
20 Curcuma longa Rhizome Turmeric Curcumin > 5 -10% -95%
21 Curculigo orchioides Root Kali musli Saponin > 20% / Mucilage > 30%
22 Cyperus rotundus Root Naagarmothaa Alkaoides > 0.15 % – 0.5% Resins 10-20%
23 Eclipta alba Whole Plant Bhringraj Nor -Wedelolactone > 3%-Bitter >2%
24 Embelia ribes Seed Vidanga Tannins > 1%/Embelin > 1%
25 Emblica officinalis Fruit Amla Tannins > 20% -40%/Gallic acid > 5% – 10%
26 Eugenia jambulana Seed Jamun Saponins > 4% -10%
27 Evolvulus alsinoides Whole Plant Shankapushpi Bitters > 2.5%
28 Garcinia cambogia Fruit Rind Vilayti imli / Garcinia HCA 50-60% by HPLC , K-Salt 50%
29 Glycyrrhiza glabra Root Jesthimadhu Glycyrrhizin by Garratt method 15% – 25%
30 Gymnema sylvestre Leaf Gurmaar Gymnemic Acid 25% – 75%
31 Hemidesmus indicus Root Anantmul Saponins > 10% – 30%
32 Leptadenia reticulate Stem Jivanti Alkaloids > 0.5%
33 Momordica charantia Fruit Karela Bitters > 2.5% – 10%
34 Morinda citrifolia Root Noni Morindin > 15%
35 Moringa oleifera Leaf Soanjana Alkalodis > 0.1% / Glycosides >50%
36 Morus alba Leaf Mulberry Mulberry Leaf Extract > Flavonads -3%
37 Mucuna prurita Seed Kaunch L – Dopa by IP method > 15%
38 Nardostachys jatamansi Root Jataamaansi Vol.oil > 0.1% – 0.5%
39 Nigella sativa Seed Kalonji / Karijeera Bitters > 3%/Saponins > 15%
40 Ocimum sanctum Whole Plant Holy Basil /Tulsi Tannins > 7% -10%/Ursolic acid > 1-2%
41 Phyllanthus niruri Whole plant Bhuumyaamalaki Bitter >2%-5 %
42 Picrorhiza kurroa Root Kutki Kutki > 4% – 6%/Bitters > 6%
43 Piper longum Fruit Pippali Piperine > 5%
44 Piper nigrum Fruit Kalimirch / Pepper Piperine > 10%
45 Plumbago indica Root Chittrakmool Alkaloids > 0.8% – 0.15%
46 Pterocarpus marsupium Heart wood Bijaysaar Alkaloids > 0.4%/Pterostibene > 4% -5%/Flavones > 5%
47 Psidium guajava Leaf Guava Guava Leaf Extract >Polyphenols-20% -30%
48 Punica granatum Rind / Skin Anar / Pomegranate Ellagic acid by HPLC > 8% -40%/Tannins > 10 – 20%
49 Rosa canina Hip Rose Hip Rose Hip Extract Polyphenols > 5% – 35%
50 Rubia cordifolia Root Manjishthaa Tannins > 2%, Sapponins -10%
51 Salacia reticulata Root Koranti / Ekanyakam Glycosides > 15%
52 Saraca indica Bark Ashoka Tannins > 2.5%-10%
53 Terminalia arjuna Bark Arjuna Tannins > 25%
54 Terminalia bellirica Fruit Baherda Tannins > 25% – 40%
55 Terminalia chebula Fruit Harda Tannins > 20% – 40%
56 Theobroma cacao Husk Cocoa Oleoresin with Polyphenols / Theobromine
57 Tinospora cardifolia Stem Guduuchi Bitters > 1.5% – 3%
58 Tribulus terretris Whole Plant Gokshura Saponins > 20 – 60%
59 Trigonella foenumgraecum Seed Methi/ Fenugreek Saponins > 15 % -60%/Fiber > 50%
60 Triphala Fruits Combination(Hard /Beharda/Amla) Tannins > 25% – 45%
61 Valeriana wallichi Root Tagara Valeric acid > 0.8%
62 Vitis vinifera Fruit/Seed Draakshaa Polyphenols > 20% -95%
63 Withania somnifera Root Ashwagandha Withanolides > 2.5% – 10% Alkaloids 1%
64 Zingiber officinale Rhizome Ginger Gingerols by HPLC > 5%

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Vanshbiocare is committed to providing the finest quality natural extracts & plant actives at the best possible price.

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Preparing Your Natural Extracts……..

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